The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America offers several cooling products for people with MS. To qualify for a vest, you must complete an application. Cooling vests cost between a few dollars and thousands of dollars. They can reduce the symptoms of heat-related MS and help patients maintain a cooler core temperature. For some people, hot temperatures cause leg weakness, spasticity, fatigue, and cognitive problems. For these people, wearing a cooling vest is an essential part of their physical therapy regimen.
You Can Find Cooling Vests For Different Needs
The Kühlweste MS works by regulating core body temperature and is useful in athletics. It helps increase endurance, reduce thermal stress, and improve performance. The vest is washable and reusable. Using a cooling vest is helpful in treating MS. Active MSers has a great summary of the benefits of using a cooling vest for MS. It is beneficial to wear the vest 30 minutes before physical activity. Cooling vests should be worn over thin clothing and breathable materials.
Some people may prefer passive cooling garments. While they can be bulky and expensive, these vests can help abate symptoms. Most cooling garments are available as vests, shorts, and other accessories. Some cooling vests are even customized to fit specific parts of the body. If you are concerned about the cost, you can opt for an expensive version or a budget-friendly option. You can find cool-vests from around $100 to $500 online.